Rapid. Low cost. Highly reliable game delivery solution
Need to deliver a 2GB game to millions of users simultaneously around the world? The Pando Downloader was designed specifically to handle such server-crushing scenarios.
The Pando Download Manager uses an optimized managed content delivery cloud for the rapid and reliable delivery of gaming assets. The Downloader is available as a hybrid service enabling game developers and distributors to leverage the unparalleled rapid game delivery capabilities of peer-to-peer technology for the delivery of large game downloads to millions of consumer, both for today’s large MMO installers or massive game patch data pushes.
The Pando Download Manager can be easily customized and quickly deployed. By creating branded downloaders publishers can offer a consistent look and feel and engage with end users during the download process.
The Pando Download Manager supports custom text and banners, registration buttons and pause/resume functionality.
Feature Highlight:
Fully Skinnable
Download multiple files per game
Localization support for any language
Cross platform - supports major OS’s
No special software pre-reqs (e.g. .NET)
Built in auto-update mechanism
Instant access to Pando’s customer support
Pause, Resume, Resume Later functionality
Game Publisher Benefits:
Increase in download completion and install rates
100% custom skin with the look and feel of the game or gaming brand.
Easy to deploy – seamlessly works with any CDN service
Significantly faster download speeds with minimum speeds set by the publisher
less expensive than CDN delivery fees
Pause and resume functionality
Detailed reporting data including delivery speed, completion rate, geography and more
Optional web page links from within customized downloader UI
Optional push for patch updates
Need help with downloading a game or software with Pando Media Booster?
Visit the help page